Blowing leaves

Monday 15 August 2011

~Miracles Performed by Sri Raghavendra Swami~

His life history is replete with hundreds of miracles he performed to help his devotees. The sacred sand of the Moola Brindavana (Moola Mrithika) has very special significance to cure diseases and throw away evil forces. Some of the miracles listed below:

  • Sri Raghavendra Swami restored the life of a young boy (the son of the village chieftain) who died after falling in which Panchamrutha was stored.
  • By His grace Venkanna, a total illiterate was able to read a message given to Nawab of Adoni, eventually rise to the position of Diwan.
  • The arrogant Nawab of Adoni offered meat in plate covered by a cloth, as Naivedya to the Lord. Sri Raghavendra Swami knew what was going on and quietly converted the meat into different type of fruits. The Nawab was scared that his effrontery would be punished, so he begged the forgiveness of Swami-ji, which was readily accorded. In return, Swami-ji asked him to gift the village of Manchala which is now known as Mantralayam.
  • Chola King approached Sri Raghavendra Swami to help the Chola Mandala (Kingdom) which experienced political unrest. Swami-ji consented and stayed at Tanjore for 12 years. The Swami-ji  with His miraculous powers was able to save the people. The Chola King who was all grateful offered a jewelled necklace to Swami-ji. He threw the pearl necklace gifted by the King into the fire (for purification) and restored it back intact with his amazing powers. Then the King realised that Sri Raghavendra Swami was not an ordinary ascetic but the one who possessed divine powers.
  •  There was a Desai who had no faith in God or the Vedas. He would challenge scholars to make a twig sprout, using Vedic Mantras. So then the people called Sri Raghavendra Swami to prove to the Desai the power of the Vedas. He sprinkled some water from His Kamandala on the twig while reciting a Vedic mantra. Right before the Desai's eyes, the twig began to sprout. The incident instilled deep faith in the hearts of many scholars who were present.
  • Sri Raghavendra Swami, in his earlier days, had made the cool sandalwood paste burn, by reciting the Agni Sukta, then made it cool again by reciting Varuna Sukta. The Desai, himself who used to scoff Vedas, became a true believer in God and upheld the Vedas, with Ragahvendra Swami as his guiding light.
  • The English had come to trade in India and they held a sway through their East India Company. Sir Thomas Munroe was one of their officers, who was asked to resume Mantralaya an endowment village granted to maintain the Mutt and temple at Mantralaya. He came on his duty to resume. He was a noble soul. Sri Raghavendra Swami emerged from the Brindavan and convinced him about the irrevocability of the endowment and disappeared into the Brindavan giving him 'Mantrakshate' Swami-ji was visible to Mr. Munroe only and not to others.
Such is the greatness of Sri Raghavendra Swami and words fail to describe his greatness. 

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